9 research outputs found

    NOMA-based 802.11g/n: PHY analysis and MAC implementation

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    Industry 4.0 can be considered as the industrial revolution of the current century. Among others, one of its main objectives is the replacement of wired communications by wireless connectivity. The idea is to overcome the main drawbacks of the current wired ecosystem: the lack of mobility, the deployment costs, cable damage and the difficulties with scalability. However, for this purpose, the nature and requirements of the industrial applications must be taken into account, in particular, the proposed communications protocols must support very low loss rates and a strong robustness against failures. This is a very challenging condition due to the nature of the industrial environments (interference with other communication systems, reflections with metallic objects ...). In addition, another characteristic of the industrial applications is the strict requirement related to the latency. On the other hand, industrial applications are not only based on high challenging services, but also exist more flexible requirement applications, such as, web browser, email, video content or complementary information. Those services are considered Best Effort (BE) services. Eventually, in some wireless applications both critical and BE services have to be offered. For those cases, Non-Orthogonal Multiplexing Access (NOMA) technology together with the IEEE 802.11g/n standard is proposed in this document as the physical layer solution. The IEEE 802.11g/n standard has been modified in order to accommodate NOMA schemes, and then, comprehensive simulations are conducted to check and analyze the behavior of the proposed system. It has been determined that through NOMA technology it is possible to obtain better results in certain cases than those achieved in a transmission cases that implements the IEEE 802.11g/n standard in TDM/FDM basis

    Potentzia domeinuko NOMA 5G sareetarako eta haratago

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    Tesis inglés 268 p. -- Tesis euskera 274 p.During the last decade, the amount of data carried over wireless networks has grown exponentially. Several reasons have led to this situation, but the most influential ones are the massive deployment of devices connected to the network and the constant evolution in the services offered. In this context, 5G targets the correct implementation of every application integrated into the use cases. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge to make ITU-R defined cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC) a reality is the improvement in spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this thesis, a combination of two mechanisms is proposed to improve spectral efficiency: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. Specifically, NOMA transmits simultaneously several layered data flows so that the whole bandwidth is used throughout the entire time to deliver more than one service simultaneously. Then, RRM schemes provide efficient management and distribution of radio resources among network users. Although NOMA techniques and RRM schemes can be very advantageous in all use cases, this thesis focuses on making contributions in eMBB and URLLC environments and proposing solutions to communications that are expected to be relevant in 6G

    NOMA-based 802.11g/n: PHY analysis and MAC implementation

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    Industry 4.0 can be considered as the industrial revolution of the current century. Among others, one of its main objectives is the replacement of wired communications by wireless connectivity. The idea is to overcome the main drawbacks of the current wired ecosystem: the lack of mobility, the deployment costs, cable damage and the difficulties with scalability. However, for this purpose, the nature and requirements of the industrial applications must be taken into account, in particular, the proposed communications protocols must support very low loss rates and a strong robustness against failures. This is a very challenging condition due to the nature of the industrial environments (interference with other communication systems, reflections with metallic objects ...). In addition, another characteristic of the industrial applications is the strict requirement related to the latency. On the other hand, industrial applications are not only based on high challenging services, but also exist more flexible requirement applications, such as, web browser, email, video content or complementary information. Those services are considered Best Effort (BE) services. Eventually, in some wireless applications both critical and BE services have to be offered. For those cases, Non-Orthogonal Multiplexing Access (NOMA) technology together with the IEEE 802.11g/n standard is proposed in this document as the physical layer solution. The IEEE 802.11g/n standard has been modified in order to accommodate NOMA schemes, and then, comprehensive simulations are conducted to check and analyze the behavior of the proposed system. It has been determined that through NOMA technology it is possible to obtain better results in certain cases than those achieved in a transmission cases that implements the IEEE 802.11g/n standard in TDM/FDM basis

    Constellation design for future communication systems: a comprehensive survey

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    [EN] The choice of modulation schemes is a fundamental building block of wireless communication systems. As a key component of physical layer design, they critically impact the expected communication capacity and wireless signal robustness. Their design is also critical for the successful roll-out of wireless standards that require a compromise between performance, efficiency, latency, and hardware requirements. This paper presents a survey of constellation design strategies and associated outcomes for wireless communication systems. The survey discusses their performance and complexity to address the need for some desirable properties, including consistency, channel capacity, system performance, required demapping architecture, flexibility, and independence. Existing approaches for constellation designs are investigated using appropriate metrics and categorized based on their theoretical algorithm design. Next, their application to different communication standards is analyzed in context, aiming at distilling general guidelines applicable to the wireless building block design. Finally, the survey provides a discussion on design directions for future communication system standardization processes.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Program PRE_2020_2_0105, and in part by the Spanish Government through the Project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Gran

    Nonorthogonal Multiple Access and Subgrouping for Improved Resource Allocation in Multicast 5G NR

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    The ever-increasing demand for applications with stringent constraints in device density, latency, user mobility, or peak data rate has led to the appearance of the last generation of mobile networks (i.e., 5G). However, there is still room for improvement in the network spectral efficiency, not only at the waveform level but also at the Radio Resource Management (RRM). Up to now, solutions based on multicast transmissions have presented considerable efficiency increments by successfully implementing subgrouping strategies. These techniques enable more efficient exploitation of channel time and frequency resources by splitting users into subgroups and applying independent and adaptive modulation and coding schemes. However, at the RRM, traditional multiplexing techniques pose a hard limit in exploiting the available resources, especially when users' QoS requests are unbalanced. Under these circumstances, this paper proposes jointly applying the subgrouping and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques in 5G to increase the network data rate. This study shows that NOMA is highly spectrum-efficient and could improve the system throughput performance in certain conditions. In the first part of this paper, an in-depth analysis of the implications of introducing NOMA techniques in 5G subgrouping at RRM is carried out. Afterward, the validation is accomplished by applying the proposed approach to different 5G use cases based on vehicular communications. After a comprehensive analysis of the results, a theoretical approach combining NOMA and time division is presented, which improves considerably the data rate offered in each use case.This work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), within the Smart Cities framework, Project Cagliari2020 ID: PON04a2_00381; in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19; and in part by the Spanish Government [Project PHANTOM under Grant RTI2018-099162-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)]

    Comparison between Different Channel Coding Techniques for IEEE 802.11be within Factory Automation Scenarios

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    This paper presents improvements in the physical layer reliability of the IEEE 802.11be standard. Most wireless system proposals do not fulfill the stringent requirements of Factory Automation use cases. The harsh propagation features of industrial environments usually require time retransmission techniques to guarantee link reliability. At the same time, retransmissions compromise latency. IEEE 802.11be, the upcoming WLAN standard, is being considered for Factory Automation (FA) communications. 802.11be addresses specifically latency and reliability difficulties, typical in the previous 802.11 standards. This paper evaluates different channel coding techniques potentially applicable in IEEE 802.11be. The methods suggested here are the following: WLAN LDPC, WLAN Convolutional Codes (CC), New Radio (NR) Polar, and Long Term Evolution (LTE)-based Turbo Codes. The tests consider an IEEE 802.11be prototype under the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and industrial channel models. The results suggest that the best performing codes in factory automation cases are the WLAN LDPCs and New Radio Polar Codes.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Grant PRE2019_099407, and in part by the Spanish Government through project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Grant RTI2018-099162-B-I00

    Analysis of NOMA-Based Retransmission Schemes for Factory Automation Applications

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    New use cases and applications in factory automation scenarios impose demanding requirements for traditional industrial communications. In particular, latency and reliability are considered as some of the most representative Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that limit the technological choices addressing wireless communications. Indeed, there is a considerable research effort ongoing in the area of wireless systems, not only from academia, but also from companies, towards novel solutions that fit Industry 4.0 KPIs. A major limitation for traditional wireless architectures is related to the harsh nature of the industrial propagation channel. Accordingly, this paper addresses these challenges by studying the reliability and latency performance of the joint use of different retransmission schemes in combination with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques. Two general retransmission schemes have been tested: time-based and spatial diversity-based retransmissions. An adaptive injection level NOMA solution has been combined with the retransmission schemes to improve the reliability of critical information. In all cases, a particular set of simulations has been carried out varying the main parameters, such as modulation, code rate and the injection level. Moreover, the impact of the number of transmitters in relation to the communication reliability has been analyzed. Results show that spatial diversity-based retransmissions overcome considerably the reliability obtained with time-domain retransmissions while maintaining assumable latency ratesThis work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Grant PRE_2020_2_0105, and in part by the Spanish Government through project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Grant RTI2018-099162-B-I0

    NOMA-based 802.11g/n: PHY analysis and MAC implementation

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    Industry 4.0 can be considered as the industrial revolution of the current century. Among others, one of its main objectives is the replacement of wired communications by wireless connectivity. The idea is to overcome the main drawbacks of the current wired ecosystem: the lack of mobility, the deployment costs, cable damage and the difficulties with scalability. However, for this purpose, the nature and requirements of the industrial applications must be taken into account, in particular, the proposed communications protocols must support very low loss rates and a strong robustness against failures. This is a very challenging condition due to the nature of the industrial environments (interference with other communication systems, reflections with metallic objects ...). In addition, another characteristic of the industrial applications is the strict requirement related to the latency. On the other hand, industrial applications are not only based on high challenging services, but also exist more flexible requirement applications, such as, web browser, email, video content or complementary information. Those services are considered Best Effort (BE) services. Eventually, in some wireless applications both critical and BE services have to be offered. For those cases, Non-Orthogonal Multiplexing Access (NOMA) technology together with the IEEE 802.11g/n standard is proposed in this document as the physical layer solution. The IEEE 802.11g/n standard has been modified in order to accommodate NOMA schemes, and then, comprehensive simulations are conducted to check and analyze the behavior of the proposed system. It has been determined that through NOMA technology it is possible to obtain better results in certain cases than those achieved in a transmission cases that implements the IEEE 802.11g/n standard in TDM/FDM basis

    LDM teknologiaren errendimenduaren azterketa multicast zerbitzuetarako

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    [EN]The purpose of this project is to study the performance and the efficiency of the LDM technology for the transmission of multicast services in a cellular network and vehicular communication environment. In order to achieve this goal, it will be done a comparison with LTE, the technology nowadays used for multicast-grouping techniques. Thus, the specific parameters of each technology are going to be analyzed and a simulation software is going to be developed. Finally, the results from the above mentioned comparison will be shown, as well as an implementation of LDM in multicast-grouping technique.[EU]Proiektu honen xedea LDM teknologiaren errendimenduaren azterketa egitea da, sare zelularretara eta ibilgailuen arteko komunikazioetara zuzenduta dauden multicast zerbitzuak transmititzeko. Helburu hori lortzeko, gaur egun taldekatze-tekniketan erabiltzen den LTE teknologiarekin konparaketa egingo da. Horretarako, teknologia bakoitzaren berezko parametroak aztertuko dira eta simulazioak egiteko software sistema berezia garatuko da. Azkenik, esandako konparaketatik lortutako emaitzak aurkeztuko dira eta LDM taldekatze-tekniketan inplementatuko da.[ES]El principal objetivo de este proyecto es la elaboración de un estudio a cerca del rendimiento de la tecnología LDM como transmisora de servicios multicast en redes celulares y para entornos de comunicaciones vehiculares. Con el fin de lograr dicha misión, se realizará una comparación con LTE, la tecnología utilizada hoy en día en las técnicas de agrupamiento de servicios. Para ello, se estudiarán los parámetros relacionados con cada una de las tecnologías y se construirá un sistema software específico para realizar simulaciones. Por último, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos a partir de la comparación junto con la implementación de LDM en agrupamiento de servicios